"I'm giving my clan up" that's what LadyM, clanleader of the #1 clan: AoD, said during a press conference. Her story: "first and foremost I feel that I have taken it as far as I can and other members of the clan have new fresh ideas so I think it's time for some 'new blood' in charge." And, you guesse it, the many blames on her to abuse her "staffpowers" did also count: "Yes. The problem was people were complaining that I kept finding them in the wastelands. It's very easy to find people in the wastelands if you can bothered doing it. Our clan had scouting parties for certain areas and would report back." We've confirmed the answer. When I was an Accountant we learned in great depth about Separation of Duties spo
And that phrase seems to have been haunting me a while now lol so I decided it was time to be seen to be impartial within my role as staff. Nobody wants me to leave - they are all sulking lol but this is my own decision not something anyone has forced me into and I know they will be just awesome without me because they are the best bunch of people you could ever wish to have behind you.
I'd also like to wish Bursar and Hookups good luck nad tell them I'm not paying any of their therapy bills out of this."
Do really all AoD members think she's great? Swamp Donkey, ex-member and owner of the Fallen Angels clan: "speaking from an old member of her clan, and I will say this as nicely as possible is was HELL working for M a damn slave driver, controlling every move, every step from start to finish." he also had another possible reason for her leaving: "I know that doesn't make much sense, but I look at it like this: Number 1 She has the top clan in influence most of her members are really active and they enjoy punishing others for influence so in that aspect wow she is leaving? On the other hand, no one is really offering her competition, she has dominated the field without mercy and really has nothing left to prove so no surprise there." So while she can be a 'slave driver' she does do her work well.
KSR leader Onslaught pity's that she's leaving, well, does he? "its too bad that ladyM, giving up, because she never gave me the change to beat her back"
Nlhero, leader of the WN clans, agreed with Onslaught: "it's a pity, you were a good rival ;) but I understand your point"
To end with LadyM's phrase "this is my own decision not something anyone has forced me into"